roof rat

Roof Rats

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What do roof rats look like?

Roof rats are medium-sized rodents that typically measure between 5 to 7 inches in length. Their tail adds an additional 6 to 9 inches. The tail of a roof rat is thick and visibly hairless and its body is slender and adapted for climbing. It has small ears, tiny black eyes, and a pointed snout. 

rattus rattus

Pest Facts

Did you know?

  • Roof rats are agile climbers and often infest structures through the roof or upper levels.
  • Roof rats prefer to nest in elevated areas like attics and trees.
  • Like other rodents in Virginia, roof rats can cause significant damage to homes and other structures.

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Why are roof rats also called black rats and ship rats?

The roof rat goes by a couple common names, including ship rat and black rat. These names provide important information. 

  • They're called roof rats because they often hide in the rafters or upper areas of buildings.
  • They're called black rats because of their dark fur. 
  • They're called ship rats because of their historical association with maritime settings. They were often found on ships and were known to infest cargo and spread disease. 

Do roof rats bite?

Roof rats can bite, but it's highly unlikely they will. These rodents prefer to keep to themselves. But, if you are bitten by a roof rat, there are a few facts to keep in mind.

  • A rodent bite is painful because they have sharp teeth and strong jaws.
  • Rodents are not known vectors for rabies.
  • Roof rats can transmit rat-bite fever by way of a bite or scratch.
  • A bite wound has the potential to get infected if not properly treated.

It is best to avoid areas where roof rats are nesting.   

Do roof rats carry disease?

Roof rats can carry many diseases, such as Salmonellosis, leptospirosis, trichinosis, E. coli, typhus, and more. They spread these diseases when they shed their hair, touch surfaces, or leave waste materials. These rats also carry ticks and fleas which can carry many diseases, such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever, bartonellosis, and Lyme disease. 

How fast do roof rats multiply?

Roof rats can reproduce quickly. According to some sources, these rats can produce four to six litters in a year. Each litter averages six to eight pups. These pups become sexually mature in two to five months. As you can see, it doesn't take long for a population to grow.

Will roof rats cause damage to property?

Yes. These rats will damage your property in many ways. It is essential that you understand how the damage can occur.

  • Their droppings can stain and contaminate insulation and stored items, such as furniture.
  • Their urine can ruin insulation, and many items placed in storage.
  • They use their teeth to chew holes in the exterior of structures, which can lead to wood rot, mold, and other issues.
  • They rip up insulation and damage stored belongings as they collect nesting materials.
  • They chew holes in interior building materials to gain access to wall voids.

You definitely don't want these pests living inside your home.

How do roof rats get inside?

Roof rats often enter homes through entry points and vulnerabilities on top of roofs. They get to the roof in a few different ways.

  • They climb telephone poles and run across power lines.
  • They climb trees and run down tree branches.
  • They scale pipes that run up the sides of structures.
  • They use their claws to climb certain exterior surfaces as they would the bark of a tree.
  • They may chew a hole at the base of a structure and climb up through a wall void.

While prone to enter structures from the top, they are also more than capable of entering through low entry points.

How can I tell if I have a roof rat infestation?

Roof rats can live inside your home without giving you any warning signs at first. But, over time, their presence will become obvious.

  • You may hear thumping in your attic.
  • You may hear bumping and scratching in your walls.
  • You may smell urine when you go up into your attic.
  • You may find black droppings in your kitchen or pantry.

The best way to tell if you have a roof rat infestation is to contact a licensed pest management professional and get a pest control inspection.

How do I get rid of roof rats?

Contact Evergreen Pest Solutions for help exterminating roof rats. Our Virginia pest control team offers effective pest control services for homes and businesses that address rats and mice.

Can I stop roof rats from infesting?

In most cases, it is possible to keep roof rats out, but it takes knowledge and experience. We recommend having a professional handle your rodent proofing, baiting, trapping, and other essential rodent management strategies. You definitely don't want these pests slipping past poor defenses. Their presence in your home can lead to many health issues and property damage. 

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