bed bug biting

Bed Bugs

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What do bed bugs look like?

In its adult form, the bed bug (Cimex lectularius) is about ⅕ of an inch in length, apple seed-shaped, and rusty-brown in coloration. While small, adult bed bugs are easily seen if you uncover a hiding place.

But bed bugs aren't always this large or noticeable. They begin as tiny, pale-colored nymphs that are only around 1/16 of an inch long. Bed bug nymphs are typically translucent or light yellowish in color. As they feed and mature, they turn reddish-brown. 

Bed bug eggs are very small, about the size of a pinhead. They are white and translucent at first, but become more opaque and off-white as they mature. Bed bug eggs are somewhat sticky, which allows them to adhere to surfaces better. 

live bed bug on bed

Pest Facts

Did you know?

  • Bed bugs are attracted to people by their body heat, carbon dioxide emissions, and body odor.
  • Bed bugs are commonly found around sleeping areas, but they can also hide in other places.
  • Bed bugs can survive for several months without feeding, but when they do feed, they typically take 5-10 minutes during the night.

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Are bed bugs dangerous?

We are happy to say that there is no indication that bed bugs are dangerous to humans. While this is encouraging, you should know that bed bugs are not harmless. They are biting insects. Here are a few ways they may impact your well-being:

  • Bites are itchy and irritating. When scratched, a bite wound can open and become infected.
  • A condition known as anemia can result from continued exposure to bed bugs.
  • Bed bugs typically bite at night, and this can disturb sleep, resulting in symptoms related to sleep deprivation.
  • Bed bug infestations can impact children and add to social anxiety.

It is best to address bed bug problems early. Quick and effective action can help you avoid these and other issues and also reduce the cost of professional bed bug remediation.

Are bed bugs just in beds?

No. Bed bugs are found in many places. This is one reason why untrained individuals have trouble getting rid of these pests. It is also why bed bugs can get past your defenses. These insects hitch a ride. While you may inspect a hotel room and stop them from coming home with you, it is less likely that you'll consider other hotspots for bed bugs. Here are only a few of the many places professionals have found bed bug infestations. Take notice that these locations do not have beds:

  • Buses, trains, and planes
  • Daycares
  • Public libraries
  • Schools
  • Office spaces
  • Movie theaters

You may pick up bed bugs every time you leave your home, so it is essential to keep this in mind.

Where do bed bugs hide?

When bed bugs get into your home, they are likely to find their way to your beds. But, as we pointed out, they can be found outside of beds. Here are a few of the many places you may find bed bugs hiding:

  • In the gaps and cracks of furniture near your bed
  • Underneath the feet of furniture
  • Under carpet edges
  • Inside your alarm clock
  • In the gaps of wall hangings
  • Behind baseboards and crown molding
  • In your luggage
  • In a couch, chair, piano stool, or book nook
  • In a briefcase, bookbag, or duffel bag
  • In a sleeping bag
  • Inside a wall outlet or wall void

It is important to inspect and treat your beds first. But you are unlikely to arrest a bed bug infestation if that is all you do. 

How do I find out if I have bed bugs?

You can search for bed bugs. Even newly hatched nymphs are visible to the naked eye. But a better way to locate bed bugs is to look for black and brown stains. The black stains are caused by fecal matter. The brown stains are the result of blood excretions from the insects. You may find these stains on the following:

  • Mattresses and furniture cushions
  • Sheets
  • Blankets
  • Pillowcases

You may also search for shed skins and tiny eggs or use your nose to detect the scent of bed bug pheromones.

How can I avoid bed bugs while traveling?

There are a few simple steps you can take while away from home that will reduce your chances of picking up bed bugs:

  • Perform a quick inspection to detect black or brown stains.
  • Store all of your laundry items in a sealed plastic bag.
  • Store your luggage high and use the luggage rack if one is provided.
  • When you return home, launder all of your clothing items.

It is a tiny hassle to think about bed bugs while on vacation, but that tiny hassle can help you avoid a big one. 

How do you exterminate bed bugs?

Skip the DIY bed bug treatments and contact a pest control company specializing in bed bug control. For property owners in Richmond, Virginia, and surrounding areas, the best way to get rid of bed bugs is to contact Evergreen Pest Solutions for bed bug treatments.

Can I prevent a bed bug infestation?

Is there any foolproof way to keep these pests out? Unfortunately, no; there are steps you can take to reduce the risk, but no guaranteed way to stop bed bugs from infesting your home. If you have a zero-bug goal, the best solution is routine inspections by a licensed professional and quick remediation when any warning signs are found.

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