What do American cockroaches look like?
The largest house-infesting cockroaches in Virginia, American cockroaches can exceed two inches in length but are usually around 1 1/2 inches. They are reddish-brown insects that have a light yellowish border around the area behind their heads. This species has well-developed wings that extend beyond their abdomens, long and spiny legs, and long, slender antennae.

Can American cockroaches fly?
American cockroaches can fly short distances but are more likely to use their strong legs to get around.
What do American cockroaches eat?
Like other types of cockroaches, this species is omnivorous. They scavenge for and eat a variety of substances, including:
- Food scraps
- Grease and oil
- Paper and cardboard
- Dead insects
- Decomposing materials
- Shed skin and hair
- Feces
Do American cockroaches bite?
American roaches can bite, but they rarely do so. Bites usually occur under specific circumstances, such as if they feel threatened and food scarcity.
Are American cockroaches harmful?
American cockroaches are known for their presence in unsanitary conditions and their potential to spread allergens and pathogens that can cause diseases, such as Salmonella and E. coli. What's more, their bodies, saliva, feces, and urine can trigger or exacerbate allergies and asthma.
While less common, American roaches occasionally damage paper, cardboard, and fabric.
How long do American cockroaches live?
Under the right circumstances, adult American cockroaches can live up to one year.
Where are American cockroaches commonly found?
These vile bugs often infest sewers, drains, basements, crawl spaces, and kitchens. Any environment that provides moisture, food, and shelter could become an American cockroach harborage.
What are the signs of an American cockroach problem?
Signs of an American cockroach problem include:
- Live roaches inside or outside, particularly in dark, moisture-rich areas.
- Brownish egg cases that are about 1/2 inch long.
- Shed skins.
- Small, dark, cylindrical droppings that look like coffee grounds or pepper.
- Chewed food packaging, paper, and cardboard.
In the case of a severe infestation, you might see both adults and nymphs moving around during the daytime and may notice an unpleasant odor lingering in the air.
How do I get rid of American cockroaches?
As mentioned, American cockroaches multiply rapidly, so prompt attention is a must. At the first sign of a problem, you can contact Evergreen Pest Solutions for help. Our local Virginia pest control company offers residential pest control and commercial pest solutions that target cockroaches and other pests!
How can I prevent American cockroach infestations?
To make your property a cockroach-free zone, our local pest control team recommends the following cockroach prevention tips:
- Practice good sanitation.
- Keep your kitchen clean.
- Store food in containers that cockroaches cannot get into.
- Address moisture or plumbing issues.
- Items in storage areas should be packed in durable plastic containers with tight-fitting lids.
- Seal cracks, gaps, and other openings, including those around utility pipes.